Prime M 1:5 Handpiece for Prosthesis.

Prime M 1:5
Multiplier Contra Angle
Multiplier Contra Angle Prime M 1: 5 is used in the dentistry and prosthesis' area, for the refinement and completion's work in aesthetic prosthesis, inlay, onlay, straightening, cavity's preparation and facets. It allows to work with high rotation drills at up to 200,000 rpm.
• Push button drill attachment system;
• Max. speed: 40,000 rpm, max. rotation: 200,000 rpm;
• Internal or external cooling;
• Contra Angle without fiber optic: used in air motors with e-type system.
Multiplier Contra Angle Prime M 1: 5 FO is used in the dentistry and prosthesis' area, for the refinement and completion's work in aesthetic prosthesis, inlay, onlay, straightening, cavity's preparation and facets. It allows to work with high rotation drills at up to 200,000 rpm.
• Push button drill attachment system;
• With light conductor (optical fiber);
• Does not provide its own light, only conducts the light produced by the air motor that has a lighting system;
• Max. speed: 40,000 rpm, max. rotation: 200,000 rpm;
• Internal cooling;
• Contra Angle with fiber optic: used in air motors with lighting system.
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