Pink October in Dentistry: the dentist's role in awareness raising

Tumors, in general, can affect any individual. They are benign – such as mandibular torus and fibroids – or even malignant – such as skin and prostate cancers, known as cancer. Some of these tumors, however, may be slightly more common in females; such as thyroid tumors, cervical cancer and the most common of them, breast cancer. The latter has alarming data, and is considered a public health problem.
By the end of 2021, for example, an estimated 59,700 new breast cancers will be identified. The equivalent of 29.5% of cancers in women across the country, according to the José Alencar da Silva National Cancer Institute (INCA) and the Ministry of Health (MS). Still looking at the statistics, now worldwide, according to Globocan 2020 (BRAY, 2020), around 2.1 million new cases and 627,000 deaths from the disease were predicted. Characterizing it as the most incident cancer in women internationally and not just nationally. Thus, it is clear the importance of the Pink October Campaign as an action that aims to inform women around the world about the prevention of breast cancer.
Pink October Campaign
Making October a month of mobilization, sensitization and awareness about the disease; the global adhesion campaign has as its main axes the importance of mammography, early detection and primary prevention of the disease. That is, the awareness of the female population and society about the risk factors for the development of breast cancer and, consequently, the reduction of these factors.
The special mobilization in October highlights the importance of these axes not only in this specific month, but also alerts to the permanent concern with the disease throughout the year. Aiming at disseminating information and deconstructing the fear of the disease, thus reducing the number of fatal cases.
Dentist's role in the Pink October Campaign
Given the alarming data and the high incidence of the disease worldwide, it is urgent that awareness of the disease also occur in the most diverse areas of health, taking the discussion about breast cancer to a multidisciplinary level as well, in order to join forces against the disease.
In dentistry, for example, knowledge about breast cancer is necessary not only for dentists, but for any dentist. Thus, it is up to this professional to seek more and more knowledge about the disease, updating and understanding more about breast cancer and its stages. The goal is to improve their capabilities to better intervene in dental treatment, thus, it is considered that the dentist has important roles in the care and treatment of cancer patients. The professional must seek to know some relevant factors. For example, the type of treatment established, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, if there was surgery, removal of lymph nodes, prescribed medications and what may be their systemic effects in the oral cavity. All these factors, in addition to knowledge about cancer treatment, will help the professional.
From this information, he can define which preventive, palliative and curative care should be applied to reduce possible harm to the patient. Therefore, it is necessary that the dentist also work in partnership with the physician responsible for the patient's cancer treatment, obtaining information and knowing the specific case.
Pink October at the Office
Dental surgeons must also mobilize and join the International Campaign for Awareness against Breast Cancer – Pink October by raising awareness and informing their patients about the disease, adding strength to health professionals around the world in their fight. How to do this?
Pink is the color of the campaign. So there are several ways that activates it in the office. Ribbons, folders and other small details can draw attention. Check out some tips:
- Pink shirts for employees such as secretaries and oral assistants;
- Pink ribbons on clothes and coat;
- Pink materials for the office, such as aprons, cotton, etc.;
- Instruction folders on October Pink;
- Activation of the Campaign on social networks.
Oncology in Dentistry
This October, the Federal Council of Dentistry (CFO), in addition to strengthening support for the campaign against breast cancer, also warns of the need to prevent oral cancer.
According to the president of the CFO, Ailton Morilha:
“It is necessary to prevent diseases in the mouth, as many of them are even life-threatening. Oral hygiene also prevents many infections in the heart and lungs, as the infection in the mouth can spread through the bloodstream. Let's become aware that a well-done cleaning gives us a better quality of life”.
According to INCA data, oral cancer kills about a thousand people a year; thus, within the discussion about breast cancer and the level of incidence of this and other cancers in the world, it is worth emphasizing the importance of attention to this worrying disease of the dental class.
This is because a woman's oral health can undergo several changes throughout her life, due to the large number of hormonal change processes that occur in her body. Therefore, the female group must also take oral health as seriously as the health of the body, thus preventing the development of oral cancer and other diseases that affect this region.
The detection of oral cancer must be performed both by medical and dental examination, after all, as in cases of breast cancer and other cancers in general, early diagnosis is essential and can be decisive in the treatment and cure factor for the disease.
Paying attention to signs such as oral lesions that do not heal within 15 days and the appearance of blisters in the throat can be fundamental in the self-examination. In the office, the dental professional must perform the visual exam and even the biopsy exam; it may be necessary to refer the case to the stomatologist. Therefore, we understand as a message from the Pink October Campaign that the main weapon against cancer is prevention.
As a healthcare professional, the dental surgeon must always remember the important role they play in the patient's health; informing and making the population aware of prevention methods. In addition, you should find out about other conditions that can influence dental treatment, such as breast cancer.
Source: Dental Office. Available at: Access on: 10/06/2021.