How dental software can help your dental office during the crisis

We are living in a delicate moment, of uncertainties and fears, whether related to health or the world economy. Whoever owns a company needs to deal with many doubts and always be one step ahead of the competition so as not to be harmed by the effects of the pandemic.
For enterprising dentists, who work in order to have direct contact with customers, extra care is needed. It is necessary to protect yourself to the maximum from Covid-19 and think about the future of the practice in times of social isolation. In this sense, it is essential to know the reality of the office at the moment, calculate each new investment very well and know how patients are behaving during this crisis. For all of that, having dental software makes a huge difference.
Check below what are the main benefits of having a specialized system to improve your management in these most difficult times:
More control over your finances
Dental software helps you know exactly what your expenses and income are with your care. It is possible to see, month by month, how your cash flow is and to identify your strengths and weaknesses in relation to finances.
Using this technology, you know which procedures are most profitable for your practice, which investments are paying off and what you need to save a little more. In addition, dental software will tell you whether you can make certain investments without compromising your financial health.
Professionalism in the relationship with patients
Many people have had their incomes compromised because of the pandemic. Therefore, they will be even more careful when choosing the best dental office. One of the advantages of a specialized system is to make the relationship with the public even more professional.
Automatic confirmations of consultation by SMS, marketing campaigns by text message or WhatsApp, easy access to records to get to know each patient better? All of this is made easier with dental software.
Less time wasted with delays
Above, we’re talking about automatic query confirmation. It is a message that can be sent by SMS or WhatsApp to patients one day before their appointment. Sending is automatic, as long as the customer's contacts are registered and the function is activated.
This tool helps to keep the office productive and avoid wasting time, when you are waiting for a patient who will not show up and did not warn you. Facilitated communication makes the practice more efficient and, therefore, more profitable.
Better data visualization = better management
Finally, having dental software facilitates the visualization of your office's situation in general. It is possible to view all scheduled appointments, have an overview of finances, check patient information and manage inventory. With so much information available, in a clear and organized way, management is simpler and making decisions in times of crisis is easier.
Source: Dentista Organizado. Available at: Access on: 07/28/2021.