Dentistry: what is it? What are the most common procedures? When can a professional help? All about the specialty!

Dentistry is concerned with making your smile much more beautiful and functional. Have you heard about this specialty of dentistry? Read on and learn more about the subject!
Among the various specialties that exist in dentistry, one that deserves to be highlighted is dentistry. Today, it is natural that there is a great concern of people both with the health of their teeth and with their esthetics, and that is why this specialty usually acts. But, in addition to the goal of turning the smile you've always dreamed of into reality, dentistry is also concerned with other aspects of your teeth, such as the functional and structural part of it. To understand a little more about this specialty, dentist and esthetic specialist Vinícius Barçal will answer some questions about this topic in this article; see what he has to say on the subject!
1- What is dentistry?
Dentistry is the field of dentistry capable of uniting aesthetics and health when it comes to taking care of your smile, as it works both in cosmetics and in dental restoration. In other words, in addition to worrying about preserving and returning the structural and functional integrity of your teeth, it is a field that also does everything possible to ensure that the result is aesthetically satisfactory. “Restorative dentistry comprises procedures with the aim of restoring oral health, restoring esthetics and making the smile more harmonious”, explains the specialist.
Thus, the integrated application of dental procedures guarantee very effective treatments. Whether to repair a damaged tooth or to remove stains that darken your teeth, just look for a dental specialist and he will indicate the best solution for your case.
2- What are the most common procedures?
According to Vinícius, the most common procedures within this specialty are: resin restorations, caries removal, ceramic restorations (such as dental crowns), tooth whitening, contact lenses and veneers.
Always thinking about the individual aesthetics of each tooth and the harmony of the smile. Furthermore, the professional advises: “It is important that these procedures are carried out by specialists, as they are deeply dedicated to the study of this area and are better trained to perform them”. So if you are considering investing in any such procedure, it is worth looking for suggestions and doing some research on the internet to ensure that the chosen professional has the necessary qualifications for this. See what you need to know about these procedures below.
This is one of the most common procedures to be performed, especially when the patient has experienced some trauma caused by caries or fracture and aimed at rebuilding the tooth structure. This is because the lack of proper treatment can have serious consequences for the patient, which can even lead to tooth loss. Thus, the restoration consists of removing the affected part of the element and filling the area with specific materials to prevent the entry of bacteria and deterioration of the site. The material used is made according to the amount of tooth that was lost, seeking to restore both the shape and the function of the tooth element that was affected.
Restorations can be of two types: direct and indirect. The first case occurs when the material can be applied directly to the tooth to be restored; the second is indicated in cases where wear is greater, so the material needs a more specific preparation so that it can be fitted to the tooth later. Therefore, if you have a compromised part of the tooth, it is dentistry that will help you to recover it.
Tooth whitening is a great alternative for those who want to get rid of stained or yellow teeth. Through contact with bleaching agents and with the help of a specialist, it is possible to recover the original color of the teeth and even make them whiter, typical of a movie star. This is possible because products based on hydrogen peroxide are used, which, when in contact with the tooth surface, release free radicals that act to whiten the tooth.
This technique usually brings very satisfactory results for patients and is a great alternative to give that 'up' in self-esteem. After all, no one deserves blackened teeth, right? And, as it is a very calm and non-invasive procedure, the contraindications for performing tooth whitening do not depend on a large list: it is enough that the patient is in good health and away from problems such as caries, periodontal diseases or dental injuries. So if you're thinking of investing in a whiter smile, just look for a dentist to discuss how the treatment will be done and voila!
Many people believe that contact lens wear is geared towards aesthetic issues, and this is partially true. This material is ideal for those who want to give a new shape to their smile and make it more harmonious and white. However, this is not the only function of the lenses - and this is something that few people know! The truth is that in addition to improving the aesthetics of teeth, they can also bring functional benefits and improve occlusion problems, also improving the patient's chewing.
Plus, best of all, the lifespan of a contact lens can be anywhere from 10 to 15 years! It will all depend on the care the patient has with their oral hygiene, of course, but the chances of it being a long-lasting procedure are high - as long as you take care of it properly. Also, don't forget to make that visit to the dentist every 6 months to see if everything is in order!
Much like contact lenses, porcelain veneers are intended to improve the appearance of your teeth and correct congenital tooth formation defects - in some cases it can even solve problems of cracks, fractures, and, of course, staining. . However, despite being similar, there are two very specific factors that differentiate them: the thickness and the way the tooth is prepared for the procedure to be performed.
Veneers are ceramic restorations of about 1 to 1.5 millimeters that are cemented onto the tooth surface and require more wear to do so. “The wear is carried out with a diamond drill, then it is polished with ultra-fine drills and special finishing tips. After preparing the tooth, a temporary veneer is made, which will remain until the final ones are ready to be cemented to the prepared tooth”, says the dentist. But despite this, it is important to highlight that the entire process is performed under local anesthesia, bringing minimal discomfort and pain to the patient.
Despite being surgical procedures that are performed in much the same way, gingivoplasty and gingivectomy have different goals. Having a gummy smile is something that usually causes a lot of discomfort for the patient, who has no alternative but to look for ways to solve this problem, and that's where gingivoplasty comes in. This means that this treatment is indicated to solve more aesthetic problems than for health reasons, since the intention is to redo the anatomical contour of the gingiva in areas where the gingival tissue is excessive. On the other hand, gingivectomy is focused on the patient's health and is indicated to eliminate excess gums caused by periodontal disease.
3- In which cases should the patient turn to a professional in this area?
As much as many believe that dentistry is only related to aesthetics, this is not quite true. Of course, raising the patient's self-esteem and making the smile more harmonious are part of the process, but cosmetic dentistry also helps to restore the structure and functionality of the teeth, if they have been compromised due to an injury, such as caries. Therefore, according to Vinícius, it is recommended that patients visit a professional in the area at least twice a year to maintain good oral health and prevent more serious injuries. “In addition, the specialist in dentistry is responsible for making diagnoses and planning that involves only their area of expertise or that is multidisciplinary, being responsible for referring the patient to other specialties”, he completes.
4- Why is dentistry so important?
Even with so many specialties within dentistry, we cannot fail to recognize the importance of each one of them when taking care of our smile, right? Dentistry is normally understood as an area that basically acts on the aesthetics of teeth, but it can also be indicated to solve functional or structural problems, and the professional in this field is highly qualified for this. “This specialty is extremely important because it is responsible for intercepting and restoring teeth with lesions at an early stage, preventing more complex treatments such as extractions, root canal treatment and placement of prostheses”, highlights Vinícius.
This article has the expert's contribution:
Vinícius Barçal - Dentist and Specialist in Aesthetics
Rio de Janeiro – RJ
CRO-RJ: 3979-7
Source: Sorrisologia. Available at: Access on: 09/08/2021.