Cavflex 6000

Air Scaler
Cavflex 6000
Cavflex 6000 Air Scaler is an instrument used for thinning and removal of tartar, dental prophylaxis, removal of supra and subgingival plaques, removal and reduction of mineralized and non-mineralized biofilm, among others. It is designed for use by qualified dental professionals. It is comfortable to handle, as well as ergometric, it also has reduced weight, high power and low noise level.
• Includes 2 universal tips and 01 Key Perio insertion key;
• Tartar remover;
• Low noise level;
• Coupled directly to the dental unit;
• Body with few lines and excellent design, providing ergonomics and ease in asepsis;
• Its tip oscillates in the frequency of 3000-8000 Hz.
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